New and fresh... Blackbird my first, lets see how it goes and if there will be more..
Published on September 16, 2009 By voidcore In Personal Computing

Well i need to unload and decided this is the place

Anyway, when i woke up today my wife had turned off the computer and then tried to boot it up again but was met with a blackscreen.
So i gave her the regular noob speech and started to troubleshoot it. Well turns out the system disk is acting up and making nice whining, hacking, ticking noises.. it had decided to fail when i had done a defrag putting all the files in order and in the beginning of the disk where it turns out there are 56 bad sectors according to seatools, lets try to rapir it then 2 hours later (its a 500GB disk) i repair 56 bad sectors does a short test turns out its still bad 2 hours later it gives me 26 bad sectors, repair those and still FAIL!

Finally the SMART gives me its a bad disk on boot and that i need to replace it.... that some really bad self monitoring it could have told me 4-5 hours ago but noooooo....... But hey 2 thumbs up for my linux server it does not give me crap and its much older hardware.. and im typing this from it right now... and reinstalling XP on my main machine....

Lets see if i can save some data from the hdd, else some recent photos and webdesignwork AND 2 almost done blinds (nice ones!!) are lost..... next pc i will get some SSD's and hope they will hold better.... i think the do...


Thx for reading all that haha!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 16, 2009

Sometimes HDs go belly up. It's inevitable but really annoying when it happens. I hope you get your data back ok.

on Sep 16, 2009

You do regular back ups, right?

Tell me you got back ups of your pictures and your work.

Damn, I hope you have back ups.

on Sep 16, 2009

no backups as it was pretty recent stuff almost finished the blind yesterday and went to bed..... not to happy when i discovered a blackscreen on boot.... well are setting up xp as i type this some AV and Firefox. Then im gonna plug it in and see if i can save anything...

on Sep 16, 2009

My sisters little toddler got to my computer once, kept pressing the on off/reset buttons over and over until it stopped working. Had destroyed the motherboard and the HDD!!

on Sep 17, 2009

Getdataback or some such program (I'll check when I get home) can get back ALL (Vast majority) of your data.  I had a 0 RAID fail (Or 1? whichever is the one that is striped) and with getdataback (or whatever it's called) and a program to reconstruct the raid virtually I got access to everything.  Of course it was like a terra of info so I only grabbed what I really needed.

on Sep 17, 2009

Back ups people, back ups. It's so simple. Did you appologize to your wife for the noob speech? here's one for you for not backing up. Back up, every time you have a new file, back it up.

on Sep 17, 2009

Sucks I had a failure 3 weeks ago   Ease up guys it's painful hahahah

on Sep 17, 2009

I don't know how to backup my computer (Windows XP Media Edition), because it's a hand-me-down computer, and it didn't come with the Windows CD, because that's on a partition and I don't know how to get at it for anything but factory re-installing purposes.  

However, I HAVE learned from losing everything when I had to factory reinstall, that whenever I start making a Windowblind, after every session, I make a .wba package and put it on my flash drive.  I just don't trust my geezerly computer to be there for me for the rest of my life -- she's been letting me know, little by little, she's going to bail on me one of these days.  The heartbreak of losing her will be enough of a grief, I don't want to have to deal with lost work, on top of that.

This would be my #1 tip to anyone newbie making Windowblinds (and I know you're no noob, Voidcore!) -- make .wba packages for every session, and save a copy -- that way if you screw something up in the next session, you always have the last copy to "un-do" the screw up.  

My favorite feature of Photoshop is Ctrl+Alt+Z -- I would like to Ctrl+Alt+Z my life sometimes, but I can't, so I've learned at least with SKS6, backup .wba packages is the next best thing to Ctrl+Alt+Z.

on Sep 17, 2009




On occasion when I've encountered a "dead" drive, I've wrapped it in newspaper then placed it into the freezer for a few hours.  After a few hours take the drive out.....let it warm up just a tad (do not let it get right back to room temp.).  You should then be able to run the drive long enough (before it heats up again) to get your data off of the drive.


Please treat the above as a last resort (ie. you have tried all methods NOT requiring the freezing of the drive FIRST!).


I can attest that the method I've described above has saved my ass several times in the years I've been computing.  After performing the above, I was always able to use a simple "copy" command to get at the data on the drive (no need for recovery software etc.).  Obviously don't connect/startup the drive while it is frozen just really really cold.


the Monk

on Sep 17, 2009

Thanx for the tip Monk ill use it as a last resort if i cannot access the drive at all, biggest problem is when it failed it killed all ntfs tables so a data recovery app is the thing im going to use first on my 3 other disks they all got corrupted....

Of course it was like a terra of info so I only grabbed what I really needed.

Yeah haha this is a bit over a tera that got corrupted so gonna cherry pick the stuff i need if i can get hold of it


Did you appologize to your wife for the noob speech?

Didnt need to, she didnt listen anyway haha.....

This would be my #1 tip to anyone newbie making Windowblinds (and I know you're no noob, Voidcore!) -- make .wba packages for every session, and save a copy -- that way if you screw something up in the next session, you always have the last copy to "un-do" the screw up.

Haha i never screw up!! but my computer likes to screw things up from time to time

Owell its just another day fixing computers....

on Sep 17, 2009

3 other disks they all got corrupted....


on Sep 17, 2009

Thanx for the tip Monk ill use it as a last resort if i cannot access the drive at all, biggest problem is when it failed it killed all ntfs tables so a data recovery app is the thing im going to use first on my 3 other disks they all got corrupted....

Of course it was like a terra of info so I only grabbed what I really needed.
Yeah haha this is a bit over a tera that got corrupted so gonna cherry pick the stuff i need if i can get hold of it


Did you appologize to your wife for the noob speech?
Didnt need to, she didnt listen anyway haha.....

This would be my #1 tip to anyone newbie making Windowblinds (and I know you're no noob, Voidcore!) -- make .wba packages for every session, and save a copy -- that way if you screw something up in the next session, you always have the last copy to "un-do" the screw up.
Haha i never screw up!! but my computer likes to screw things up from time to time

Owell its just another day fixing computers....


Seriously Runtime GetDataBack and Raid Reconstructor worked wonders for me.

on Sep 17, 2009


Yeah the 3 non faulty drives...

Heya yrag, yeah something went bad somewhere... the ntfs filesystem somehow got corrupted.. and all disks showed as FAT(!?) filesystem but only where i had files on the disks the empty sectors showed as unformatted(!?)

Anyhow looks like i can get my data back with getdataback.

on Sep 17, 2009

Heya yrag, yeah something went bad somewhere... the ntfs filesystem somehow got corrupted.. and all disks showed as FAT(!?) filesystem but only where i had files on the disks the empty sectors showed as unformatted(!?)

Don't know how you managed that unless someone ran something like Fixboot or some partition manager....

...and a blackscreen at boot is telling.

My guess is there's nothing wrong with any of the drives (hardware-wise). 

If it's actually Fat32 (and I have no reason to think it isn't), then unplug them all except one that you don't have much on it to lose (or put in a running system), install Windows and plug in the others one by one.....your files will be there to transfer off. Reformat and transfer back.  

on Sep 17, 2009

If it's actually Fat32 (and I have no reason to think it isn't), then unplug them all except one that you don't have much on it to lose (or put in a running system), install Windows and plug in the others one by one.....your files will be there to transfer off. Reformat and transfer back.

They show as unformatted in xp, doing datarecovery on them.. and yeah probably nothing wrong HW wise... so just pluging them in and run the recovery all should be fine..... got my pix backs from 1 of them.... doing the 2nd one now.

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