Well i need to unload and decided this is the place
Anyway, when i woke up today my wife had turned off the computer and then tried to boot it up again but was met with a blackscreen.
So i gave her the regular noob speech and started to troubleshoot it. Well turns out the system disk is acting up and making nice whining, hacking, ticking noises.. it had decided to fail when i had done a defrag putting all the files in order and in the beginning of the disk where it turns out there are 56 bad sectors according to seatools, lets try to rapir it then 2 hours later (its a 500GB disk) i repair 56 bad sectors does a short test turns out its still bad 2 hours later it gives me 26 bad sectors, repair those and still FAIL!
Finally the SMART gives me its a bad disk on boot and that i need to replace it.... that some really bad self monitoring it could have told me 4-5 hours ago but noooooo....... But hey 2 thumbs up for my linux server it does not give me crap and its much older hardware.. and im typing this from it right now... and reinstalling XP on my main machine....
Lets see if i can save some data from the hdd, else some recent photos and webdesignwork AND 2 almost done blinds (nice ones!!) are lost..... next pc i will get some SSD's and hope they will hold better.... i think the do...
Thx for reading all that haha!