New and fresh... Blackbird my first, lets see how it goes and if there will be more..
Published on January 7, 2009 By voidcore In Sneak Previews

Im doing my first vista blind and are pretty much done

But i need someone to help me test it out on XP most of the XP parts is skinned except the file animations.. as i dont have a XP machine up and running atm could someone help me out and test it??

Also someone with a vista machine that can give me some feedback!

PM me here in the forum pls ,time to hit the sack see you all tomorrow

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 08, 2009

I'll send you out an e-mail with a couple of other items I've found.

great, hmm got this with the fonts the last time a made a dark skin too.. thing is i can see all fonts clearly... maybe i have good cobntrast on my screen that makes a difference??... anyway point the problem areas out and ill try make it lighter...

on Jan 08, 2009


great, hmm got this with the fonts the last time a made a dark skin too.. thing is i can see all fonts clearly... maybe i have good cobntrast on my screen that makes a difference??... anyway point the problem areas out and ill try make it lighter...

Maybe you don't have half century-aged eyes!      I tried to make a screen shot of it, and for some odd reason, the header doesn't seem as dark in the Photoshop JPEG as it does in my Mozilla Thunderbird e-mail program, so it just look like I'm delusional (or blind..or both) when I say the font is hard to see.  I'm using 1024 x 786 resolution (I'm a little behind in the times on monitor size and, of course, I'm still on XP.) The icons in the system tray seem rather tiny, too, which again, isn't a problem if you're not suffering with presbyopia (a/k/a geezer eyes).  

Also, when I mouse over the "All Programs" part in the start menu (more programs in Skin Studio), it totally blacks out and looks like this:    

I wouldn't consider that a "fault" per se, but it might be something more discriminatory judges would nail you on.

on Jan 08, 2009

O.K., here's an example of the black font against the dark header which might illustrate what I'm talking about:

(The sections for Bayscribe and New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, not the other fonts)

(This is in Internet Explorer 8) -- I don't think the font wold be as hard to see if perhaps it were a larger font, because if I put my head much closer to the monitor it's less of a problem for me, but it's still not easy to see.  I'm judging this as an over-all use sort of thing -- I work online all day with my job, and I work on productivity (which means I only get paid by what I produce, so producing quickly is the only way to make any money), so I kind of want things really clear, so I don't have to keep sliding my chair up close to the monitor to see what I'm doing, because those precious seconds cost me.

on Jan 08, 2009

Also, when I mouse over the "All Programs" part in the start menu (more programs in Skin Studio), it totally blacks out and looks like this:

Hmm that mouse over the text is green.... here anyway.. its black mouseover with green fonts instead of an image there and i see the icons in more programs is to much to the left....

the tabs in ie is skinned only works in ie7+6? also the selection.. where it is black over your browser target that is supposed to be green.... with black text. The bookmark field(?) text i dont know if it is changeable.. its the toolbar background.. and ofc the explorer navigation buttons is not aligned but i dont think that is possible to correct, think i read about it in another thread?

Systemtray icons should not change size... neither quicklaunch... they stay the same witchever skin you use:)

And it looks like the taskbar buttons arent displayed correctly but cant be sure can u give me a full screenshot?

Im redoing all fonts to a green color... ill send you a copy later on see if it works better...


And check if you are running sRGB(the most commonly used) color profile on your monitor... and calibrate...

And it might be lighter here for me because im on a LCD...

on Jan 08, 2009

Well!  Calibrating is trippy.  Kind of like getting a new pair of glasses.  The font still seems dark, but the lighter things sure do seem more in contrast than they did before.  

Here's a screenshot of my entire desktop:

IN this screenshot, I'm not mousing over the "More Programs" part, so it's green.  It's only when I mouse over it with my cursor that it  blacks out.

Now I'm wondering how many if the issues are the skin and how many are my own computer setup.  

Maybe you should balance out anything I'm telling you with what the others are saying and just take in stride that my own system might be wonky.

on Jan 08, 2009

Great! thanks for the fullscreen it sure looks trippy in such a low res haha

I can see that your user name is off need to correct that

And damn those logoff/shutdown buttons are ugly and wrong color! need to redo them so they look ok haha

Dont worry im sure its the skin i havent had the possibilty to make it XP perfect yet! but we are on the way there

Thanks for all the help!


btw how do you like the cubes on the startmenu kinda makes it hard to concentrate on what you are doing haha but the look cool anyway

on Jan 08, 2009


btw how do you like the cubes on the startmenu kinda makes it hard to concentrate on what you are doing haha but the look cool anyway

The cubes are awesome, and as for hard to concentrate...that's just a fact of my life anymore.  When I get health insurance I'm going to ask a doctor about maybe getting some Ritalin or something.  The older I get, the shorter my attention span seems to become.

on Jan 09, 2009

I tried it on xp last night, and decided to wait until I could see it on Vista, since that's how you built it.

Now that I've seen it on Vista, I have to agree about the dark on dark text, particularly in the menus. Also, the light gray text on dark gray background in the navigation bar has a nice contrast,until you mouseover the nav bar--then the nav bar becomes a brighter gray, and the text gets lost.

I'll try it again on xp tonight and let you know what I find there.

on Jan 09, 2009

btw how do you like the cubes on the startmenu kinda makes it hard to concentrate on what you are doing haha but the look cool anyway

I wholly agree. Nice job on the animation, but I think it detracts from the skin, IMO.

on Jan 09, 2009

Mirsguy, ill send you the updated file

on Jan 10, 2009

My updated desktop (with some personal modifications to the Xion media player -- I added the title bar from the skin to the top of TriNity).

on Jan 10, 2009

Looks like one mean green machine that!

But the username is still there hmmmmmm.. i thought i had it at -2000 or something in margins have to check it again... dammit

on Jan 10, 2009

[quote]Systemtray icons should not change size... neither quicklaunch... they stay the same witchever skin you use:)[/quote

Actually they will get resized if text\content margins aren't set correctly accross the board for all taskbar elements.

on Jan 10, 2009


But the username is still there hmmmmmm..

You mean you didn't mean it to do that? I thought it was really cool the way my user name was kind of "dancing" with the cubes?

on Jan 10, 2009

Actually they will get resized if text\content margins aren't set correctly accross the board for all taskbar elements.


Ok good to know, ill have to check em then.. used another blind for template som might be that....

And no heh a dancing username wasnt the plan

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